Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Fall

A tree that looks like a poodle (actually 3 trees) A serene pastoral scene in St. David.

This is our windmill and scenes from our backyard. This is a scene from Fernan Lake in No. Idaho from our August visit,

Fall is my favorite season and time of the year! I have to force myself not to decorate the house until the official start of the autumnal equinox--this year was Sept. 22nd! October is my favorite month of fall and not for the obvious reason. I like it because the air is finally cooler here in AZ and we can open our windows at night and let the cool breezes blow through the house. I like it because the colors are changing and we do have trees here that change colors brilliantly. I like to have my camera in the car with me during fall so if I see a pretty scene, I can pull off the road and take a picture. I like fall because I love the scents of the season--apples, peaches, pumpkin pie, cinnamon and "harvest smells"! I burn lots of scented candles this time of year to add to the natural scents around our little village. I like fall because I like to dress up at Halloween with my preschool class--it gives us adults license to act like kids again!! Anyway, above are a couple of my favorite fall photos that I've taken the past couple of years

Here is Elise and Cami when they did their hair in "spouts"--and I don't think it was even Halloween!! This is a silly picture of Weston and a rubber band! He stole the camera again and was taking self-portraits of his lovely mug! He took several, and this is the "best" one, I think. When do boys actually grow up???

1 comment:

Heather K said...

Those are good nature pics. I thought the poodle was funny. I also love the windmill. The funny pictures at the bottom cracked me up too! We are still having some 70 degree days but it will start to get colder in a few days is what I hear. I love the 70's!